From feather boas to whale bone corsets, vintage clothing is a integral part of our cultural fossil record, and additionally, vintage clothing is bad ass.
According to science and philosophy magazine Nautilus, “Clothes and body decoration evolved in a suite of human communication tools and behaviors that have shaped the runway of human evolution and culture.” And with our clothing, we tell each other increasingly more elaborate stories as the decades progress. We incorporate new styles, innovative fabrics, and technological accessories as time passes, adding to the endless variety of expressions on that evolutionary runway. A good vintage clothing
shop can take you down a significant part of that catwalk, and put any number of intriguing cultural anecdotes at your finger tips.
Midtown Sacramento’s Prevues Peek A Boo Lounge is a jackpot of vintage, burlesque, and trends of recent decades: 1980s spandex hot pants, 1970s EltonJohn sunglasses, 1960s mary janes, and every conceivable color of fishnet stocking and satin opera glove.
The shop’s collection of quality vintage clothing is extensive, many selections of beautiful pieces emblematic of their era or style. Silk kimonos, suede mini skirts, and beautifully hand-embroidered peasant shirts. Classic prom dresses, tooled leather purses and cat eye reading glasses. The entire boutique is bursting with classics and quirkies.
Even if you’re not the wild vintage type, you’ll find Prevues an entertainment experience. From the elaborate feathered wings on the ceiling to the mudflap mary carpets on the floor, the store’s motto “A Fashion Fetish” is not an overstatement.