When a community values its biography, it repurposes the buildings in which that history has unfolded, such as Placer County California has with the fruit packing sheds in Loomis and Newcastle.
Originally built in 1926, The High Hand packing sheds in Loomis once served as a central fruit packing plant for the countless orchards in and around the Loomis Basin. Today is it a beautiful collection of eclectic shops crowned by a perfectly landscaped nursery.
Autumn is an ideal time to visit the nursery in the hazy sunshine and amid colored leaves. A koi pond as seen above reflects the shapes and shadows of the overhead trees, beyond which is a pagoda that gives special heed to a tree around which it was built. Like a symbol of the community, so much of Loomis seems to be thoughtfully constructed to give regard to what is already there, and this regard maintains Loomis’s authenticity.
As a seamstress and fiber artist, I have to give a special nod to an amazing store in the High Hand sheds, The Tin Thimble. Family owned and operated, the store specializes in fiber arts and unique sewing, with a focus on vintage wares. The vivid colors and soft textures of The Tin Thimble’s products are striking in the dark, wooden space of the packing house.
The store also houses a busy classroom/workshop for all levels of artists and seamstresses. November includes an advanced level hands on workshop constructing an exquisite butterfly shawl, which looks as if one wrapped it’s delicate wings around your shoulders. For a look at the complete list of classes and a picture of the nuno felted butterfly shawl, click here.
Consignors and resident artists also sell their work at The Tin Thimble and pieces include silks naturally dyed with botanicals and one of a kind jewelry pieces with precious and semi precious stones.
Farther up into the foothills of Placer County you will find the packing sheds of Newcastle, renovated into an enviable space for fine artists. On any given day, one can enter the gallery and workspace to see artists working at their easels. Local creatives sell originals and prints from the gallery, which provides space as unique and engaging as many of the works you’ll find on the walls.
On the day of my visit, multiple artists in the gallery shared with me techniques, personal stories and upcoming events they were excited about, and the personal interactions left me aware of how passionate local people are about their creative values and purpose.
The renovated packing sheds in Loomis and Newcastle maintain the generational tradition of the area’s hand crafted care. American conservationist Mollie Beaty was most likely referring to the wilderness when she said “what a country chooses to save is what a country chooses to say about itself.” But I think this quote is applicable to the patient, creative and dedicated people of Placer County’s packing sheds.