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Happy Accidents

A breeze moved though The Sacramento Fine Arts Center gallery, inadvertently sending gentle ripples through a delicate silk kimono showcased at this evening’s 2nd Saturday reception of the Focus on Fiber show.  The fabric transformed with the air movement, turned fluid, reshaped as the swell of an ocean, became all illuminations and liquidity.

It was a Bob Ross kind of happy accident, a moment when an unforeseen, unanticipated power moves into a situation to add a dynamic, to increase the value of one’s experience.   Leaving the show, I passed again by the silk’s billow and fall, and I wondered how many similar moments I completely miss throughout my days as I sprint to keep up with the pace of modern life.  We spend so much time overwhelmed and distracted.

Perhaps the ability to receive more of life’s happy accidents requires one to spend more time throughout the work day as though strolling in a museum or a gallery, aided by the same openess we have when we attend a reception, listen to new live music, or meet an old friend for dinner.

“We don’t make mistakes. We just have happy accidents.”  Bob Ross

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