I admit, I fangirled a little when Oakland, California’s artist Nina Wright aka Girl Mobb answered a few questions for me about her Graffiti Camp for Girls. But what street art lover wouldn’t swoon a little at Wright’s project…
Amicable: What criteria do you and the girls use to select content of your murals?
GIRL MOBB: Each mural design consideration varies due to the location. For example, we did a ice cream themed mural for Smitten Ice Cream store. It totally worked because the girls conceptualize and design the mural themselves. For this part of the process, I help them along with layout etc, but the point is they collaboratively decide what they want to paint. So for Smitten Ice Cream store, they did all these cute ice cream characters. It turned out great. It was poppy and pastel. Most locations let us do whatever we want really. We try to take advantage of the uniqueness of each location.
Amicable: Have you had any quirky mishaps occur in the course of running your camps?
GIRL MOBB: Quirky mishaps… A student accidentally sprayed half of my bangs gray-blue because her cap (spraypaint nozzle, tip) was facing the wrong way. There’s always times where people think we are illegally painting the building, especially the first few days when we are practicing. For most of the girls, it is their first time using spraypaint.

Amicable: What has been the most significant challenge in building your camp program?
GIRL MOBB: The most significant challenge is usually finding ways to pay for everything. We use the best paint, and it’s expensive. Sometimes the building owner of the wall will cover the paint, but then there’s all the other stuff… Updating safety equipment, buying snacks, paying for teacher’s time, and other related work it takes to make the class happen. Each class is a challenge, because each class is different, different location, different wall, working with new people at the business. But it’s the real mural painting experience.
Thank you Girl Mobb and Graffiti Camp for Girls!
Interested in donating? https://www.paypal.me/girlmobb